Regardless of whether it is a credit card from the same bank, whether the card can be successfully approved and the amount of the card is determined by the customer's qualifications when applying for the credit card at that time. It’s just that it’s easier to apply for a credit card from the same bank. Under normal circumstances, the Platinum Credit Card limit is higher than the Gold Card Credit Card limit.
Requirements for Shanghai Pudong Development Bank Credit Card Application
1. Application Conditions
Anyone who is over 18 years old, has full capacity for civil conduct, has a legal and stable source of income and Any natural person with solvency and good credit standing can apply for a personal credit card master card at the Credit Card Center with his or her valid identity document and other documents required by the Shanghai Pudong Development Bank Credit Card Center. The main cardholder can apply for supplementary cards for other natural persons who are over 18 years old and have full capacity for civil conduct.
2. Information required to apply for a credit card
1. Identity document: A copy of the ID card (military personnel must provide a military officer's ID card). The main card applicant must be between 18 and 60 years old. 1 year old;
2. Work unit salary certificate: The salary certificate issued by the applicant's work unit (need to be stamped with the unit's financial seal or the unit's official seal), a copy of the work permit or a copy of the work badge with a photo of the applicant Documents, business cards, etc.;
3. Proof of financial resources (this will help to obtain a higher credit limit): copies of self-owned real estate certificates, original and duplicate copies of motor vehicle registration certificates, bank deposits Copy of (current) certificate of deposit (fold);
To apply for a high-limit Shanghai Pudong Development Bank credit card or platinum credit card, it is recommended that you provide the following auxiliary information:
1. Copy of real estate certificate (50 More than square meters or worth more than 300,000), copy of car driving license (private car, worth more than 50,000, used for no more than 5 years);
2. Certified accountant, lawyer, economist, tax accountant , Appraiser, auctioneer and other qualification certificates;
3. Shanghai Pudong Development Bank loan account (good credit, overdue not more than 60 days) or copy of deposit certificate;
4. Private Business owner: A copy of the business license with a registered capital of no less than 1 million;
Note: You can choose any of the above information.