When you apply for a credit card online, you should fill in your current residential address so that the bank can communicate with you in time and accurately. The address of your ID card, the bank has provided you with a backup ID card (this is a prerequisite).
Bank credit card application conditions
① Age requirements: local residents should be 18-65 years old, and foreigners should be 25-65 years old;
2 job requirements: have a stable work unit, income and fixed residence;
③ Credit requirements: no bad credit record. The supplementary card applicant must be the parent, spouse or child of the main card holder, aged between 16-65.
Bank credit card application materials
(1) identification information:
Copy of resident identity card or military officer's card; If you are Hong Kong and Macao compatriots, you need to provide a copy of the mainland pass and residence certificate for more than one year; If you are a foreigner, you can provide a copy of your passport and residence permit for more than one year.
② Proof of work and income:
Salary certificate or business card and photo badge.
Proof materials that can prove good economic strength: copy of real estate license and copy of automobile driving license; Copy of bank loan account (good credit, overdue for no more than 60 days) or deposit certificate.