If you make a purchase with a credit card today, you can usually see the purchase details the next day. If the transaction is made later, you may not see the transaction details until the third day. Moreover, the bank will issue the previous month's statement on about two or three days every month, and the last month's statement also contains the details of each transaction.
1. How long does it take to make purchases after paying off a credit card?
Credit cards can be used immediately after repayment, provided the cardholder has available credit on the card. Generally speaking, after the cardholder repays the loan, as long as the repayment amount is reached, the credit limit will be restored in real time, and the cardholder can use the card to make purchases immediately. If the repayment amount has not yet arrived and the cardholder's credit card has been fully charged, the credit card can only be used for consumption after the credit card is restored. However, it should be noted that frequent purchases at the same merchant are not allowed, otherwise it will be interpreted as improper consumption. Moreover, after you have paid off the money, you cannot spend the same amount as the money you just paid off, otherwise the bank will block your credit card.
2. Does credit card consumption affect mortgage approval? What are the consequences of late payment?
Generally speaking, credit card consumption will not affect mortgage approval, as long as the customer does not spend too much on the credit card or spend too much money, causing the repayment amount to be too large and he has not paid it off. However, if a customer maxes out their credit cards and leads to excessive debt, it may affect mortgage approval. In addition, if the previous payment is not repaid on time after using the credit card, the customer will not be able to successfully apply for a mortgage loan in a short period of time. Once a credit card is overdue, there will be liquidated damages, usually 5% of the maximum interest on the unpaid minimum payment, which is very scary. It can be profitable and the interest is high if the amount owed is large. Moreover, an overdue credit card will leave a stain on your credit record, making it impossible to deal with the need to buy a house in the next two years.
To sum up, if you use a credit card, you must pay off the credit card fees within the overdue period, and after paying off, you cannot continue to make purchases at the same merchant, which will be considered inappropriate by the bank. Proper consumption. Once a credit card is overdue, it will also have serious consequences. For example, if you want to buy a house, it will be very difficult to apply for a mortgage, because an overdue credit card will stain your credit information.
1. What should I do if I still owe a bank credit loan?
1. Use the minimum repayment functio