Cash payment, credit card payment and mobile payment. You can say pay in cash in English, pay with credit card in English and mobile payment in English. These English words and sentences often used in payment must be understood.
We will teach cash, credit card and mobile payment in English. in cash
Cash in English is actually very simple. pay itself means payment, and pay in cash means paying in cash, which means cash.
cash related English example:
Example: Would you like to pay in cash or by credit card? Do you want to pay in cash or by credit card?
Example: Do you mind if I pay in cash? Do you mind if I pay in cash? with credit card
Just like cash payment, if you want to say in English that you want to pay by credit card, you can say pay with credit card, and if you want to ask the other party if you can pay by credit card, you can say Can I pay with credit card? Can I pay by credit card?
credit card payment related English example:
Example: You may pay in cash or with credit card. You can pay by cash or credit card.
example: would you prefer to pay by cash, cheque or credit card? Would you like to pay by cash, check or credit card? payment, mobile payment
when mobile is used as a noun, it means mobile phone, and when it is used as an adjective, it means "mobile", and mobile payment means mobile payment.
The following are some English examples related to mobile payment:
Example: Instagram is going to launch a new mobile payment feature. Instagram is about to launch a new mobile payment function.
example: the line app supports mobilepayment. line application supports mobile payment. Payment English, cash English, credit card English, credit card English, cash card English, payment English, mobile payment English.