1. After the credit card has paid off the money, if there is still an available amount in the card, you can use the card immediately even if the repayment amount has not arrived and the amount has not been recovered. However, the available credit card limit has been used up. After paying back the money, you must wait until the limit is restored before you can swipe your card again. Credit card can be swiped immediately when the credit line is restored in real time, and then swiped in 2 hours after the credit line is restored.
2. Most of the time, credit card repayment funds are recovered in real time, and only a few cases will be delayed.
1. How long the credit card can be swiped out after repayment depends on how long the credit card can recover the limit. Different repayment methods take different time to recover their quotas. If you repay through the bank counter or the bank mobile app, the amount will be restored immediately after repayment. If there is an available amount, you can spend it by credit card.
Cardholders can swipe their cards from the next day, but be careful not to do it all at once or in large amounts.
2. Welcome at any time. The bank has not clearly stipulated how long it will take to swipe the card after it is returned. So even if the loan has just been repaid, it is ok to swipe the card. However, from the perspective of bank risk control, it is best not to swipe your card immediately after credit card repayment, otherwise it will lead to bank risk control and reduce the number of cards. It is generally recommended to wait at least 30 minutes after repayment before swiping the card.
3. It is best to pay by credit card every time, with an interval of more than half an hour. In order to avoid the risk control of banks. Can't swipe your card continuously. For example, your credit card limit is 50000. After you brushed 10000, you immediately brushed 10000. This will easily lead to bank risk control. Because merchants who swipe their cards twice, whether they are banks or not, will attract the attention of banks. As a bank, will you consider that your card was stolen? Or is there a cash-out behavior? So it will be marked by the bank. So is the repayment. Swiping your card immediately after repayment will also make the bank suspect that you are cashing in. Even if it is real consumption, don't do it.
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