There are no consequences for hanging up the phone, as long as you pay off the balance as soon as possible. Of course, if the debt is not repaid on time, there will be a bad record in your bank's credit system. In the future, you should try your best to repay on time. If you really don’t have money, you can also use the remaining balance of your credit card to withdraw cash as an emergency and repay on time (although you will have to pay extra fees and interest, but it is better than leaving a bad record, leaving bad records. If you have too many records, it will be difficult to find a bank loan in the future. It can be used to buy a house or a car loan. Don’t lose the big for the small.) However, the handling fee for using a credit card to withdraw cash is not low, and there is no interest-free period. It is not a last resort. Still don’t use your credit card to withdraw cash.