Even if the loan is not refused, too many credit cards will affect the loan amount. For example, if the borrower applies for a loan of 2 million yuan, the bank may only lend 1 10,000 yuan. Because the bank will consider the borrower's monthly income and expenditure, after paying off the credit card loan, the borrower may only pay 6.5438+0 million per month. It is worth noting that all credit cards must be paid off before applying for loans, and the debt ratio cannot exceed 50%.
Will too many credit cards affect the mortgage?
Too many credit cards will affect mortgage loans, because banks will check the borrower's credit when approving loans. If the number of credit cards shown in the credit report is large, it means that the monthly repayment amount of the lender is relatively large, and with the mortgage, the bank will question the repayment ability of the lender, and in order to avoid risks, the bank will refuse the borrower's loan.