In other words, if you can pay off all the money you brushed last time before the repayment date, your quota will be restored in real time. After you return it, you can continue to use your credit card to swipe things within 3 thousand yuan. If you pay in installments, the credit card limit will be restored to the amount you pay in each installment. For example, if you repay 600 yuan every month, you will get more 600 yuan in your card.
If there is an urgent need and the amount in the card is not enough to swipe it yourself, you can call the bank's customer service hotline to apply for a temporary limit. However, the temporary quota is valid, and once it expires, it can no longer be used.
Of course, if you usually spend more and repay on time, the bank will take the initiative to increase your fixed amount after you open the card for 3 to 6 months, and the increased fixed amount is permanent.