Different people have different credit card limits. Some people have high credit cards, while others have low credit cards. For credit cards, long-term micro-brushing is very good and can be used as an entity card use behavior. According to the bank's credit card code of conduct, it is also a habit of preferring to charge.
Compared with large credit cards, large credit cards are safer, and the amount of credit cards generally matches the type of merchants. Moreover, the credit card amount is large, so there is no need to worry about overdue because the cardholder has no money to repay.
For people with low credit card limit, it is not enough to increase the credit limit by swiping a small card, and occasionally a large amount of credit card consumption is needed. The low credit limit may be because one's qualification is not good enough, and the lower limit can only be given when it is met, or it is close to the upper limit now, so it is very important to hold low credit.