Yes, the credit card corresponds to the identity information of the cardholder. As long as the personal information is there, you can check it out. If the credit card is lost, you should report the loss and replace it as soon as possible to avoid affecting your normal use. About credit cards The details of re-issuance of loss report are as follows. It takes seven working days to reissue a lost credit card and costs about 20 yuan.
Procedure for replacing a lost credit card:
If you report the loss of a credit card, you need to pay a service fee of 10 yuan:
You can first report the loss verbally over the phone to ensure the safety of the account funds;
Then go to the bank business hall and fill out the loss report application form;
After the loss report is successful, get the receipt and keep it properly.
The report of loss will officially take effect after seven days. Go to the bank with your ID card to handle the card replacement business:
Go to the bank with your ID card and the loss report receipt;
Queue up to get the number;
After the number is called, hand over the information needed to apply for a new credit card to the teller;
Wait a moment, enter the new card password, and sign the business confirmation form;
Pay a production fee of 5 yuan to 10 yuan. Different banks charge different fees;
Get your ID card back and get a new bank credit card.