Agricultural Bank of China credit card 6259960079661898 is a UnionPay IC card gold card - a credit card.
1. The bank card number consists of the following three parts: the card-issuing bank identification code (BIN number), the card-issuing bank’s custom digit, and the verification code.
2. The first 6 digits of the bank card number are the BIN number, which is the abbreviation of bank
number and is assigned to each bank by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). A bank card organization that engages in inter-bank transfer exchanges.
3. Generally: prefix 4 - VISA; prefix 5 - Mastercard; 62 - China UnionPay; prefix 3 - American Express, JCB, etc.
4. The length of the card issuing bank’s custom digits can be 6-12 digits, which may generally include the bank’s internal branch identification, such as digits 6-7, 01 represents cards in Beijing, and the rest are generated immediately .
5. The check code of the last digit of the card number has certain calculation rules and is used to prevent counterfeiting. UnionPay standard cards comply with China UnionPay standards, use the BIN code assigned by China UnionPay (currently 622126-622925, 800 maximum), and can be used within the China UnionPay payment network and protocol network.