With points. When you use Alipay to pay with a bank credit card, Alipay is just a payment medium, and your final consumption amount will be based on the credit card's consumption record, so the credit card will have corresponding points.
Earning Alipay points:
1. Payment: including payment scenarios such as scan code payment, online payment, public transport, recharge payment and other payment scenarios. You can get 1 point after completing the payment, and you can get another 1 point for every 20 points you pay in a single payment, with a maximum of 20 points in daily payment scenarios.
2. Credit card repayment: 5 points/repayment, limited to 3 repayments per month.
3. Transfer: 1 point/transfer, 30 transactions per calendar month.
4. Yu’E Bao: Calculated monthly based on the average daily balance of Yu’E Bao in the previous month, 1 point/100, 100 points/month.
5. Financial management fund: Calculated based on the average daily amount of the previous month, 1 point/100, 500 points/month.
6. Borrowing: If it is not overdue, calculated based on the daily average value of unpaid loans in the previous month, 1 point/100, 200 points/month.
7. Sign in to the Alipay membership page to receive points.
Points collection:
On the "Alipay Membership" page, click to claim points. The points are valid for 7 days (168 hours) and will be invalidated after the expiration date. Alipay points rules are subject to Alipay's official regulations.