1. It’s difficult to apply for a credit card by using credit information. Banks will go to the central bank to check your credit information records. Although novices are blank in the credit information system, Every time you apply for a credit card, the bank will leave a query record for your credit report. The more banks you check or the number of inquiries you make, there is no guarantee that you won’t mess up your credit report. In the eyes of bank risk control personnel, you are short of money and the risk is a bit high, so they will not easily approve your card.
2. The credit limit will not be very high. Even if you are lucky enough to get a card, you will find that the credit limit is generally not very high. There are thousands, even 10,000, but the maximum is no more than 20,000 yuan. The reason is very simple. As long as your credit record contains other card information, most banks will refer to the previous card limit to approve the card if they cannot provide sufficient proof of financial ability. Especially if the credit report is too expensive, the limit will be higher than before. The amount should be low.
3. It is not conducive to management. It is easy to overdue. Even if you can place multiple credit cards, too many credit cards are not conducive to management. You will not know which credit card has been used or not, and whether you need to repay it; And whether the annual fee of each credit card has been charged enough times to waive the annual fee, etc. This can easily lead to overdue payment. If it is overdue, just wait for your credit report.
4. It is not conducive to apply for high-end credit cards. It is best to apply for ordinary cards and gold cards first. When the credit card limit reaches the maximum limit after a long period of use, you can apply Apply for a high-end credit card. And if you have too many credit cards and the limits are generally low, you will most likely be rejected if you directly apply for a high-end card. Of course, there are exceptions if you are lucky.
Reminder: It is not a good thing to apply for multiple credit cards on the same day. It is recommended that you apply one by one first. When applying for a credit card, it is best to choose a suitable credit card based on your actual needs, and do not blindly pursue high-end credit cards.