If you want the postal credit card overdraft limit to exceed 2000, you can go to the postal savings bank outlets to handle related business. However, the cash withdrawal amount of credit cards at outlets does not exceed 65,438 yuan+0,000 yuan, and the bank staff will check the users who apply for cash withdrawal to ensure the security of credit card transactions.
Expand the information by filling in the credit card application form, generally including the applicant's name, basic information, economic situation or income source, guarantor and its basic information. And submit some copies of certificates and vouchers to the issuing bank. After filling in the application form truthfully, the customer shall submit the completed application form and relevant credit certificate.
A credit card contract is attached to the application form. The applicant authorizes the issuing bank or relevant departments to investigate the relevant information, and submit the information authenticity statement and the privacy protection policy of the issuing bank. , and must have the applicant's autograph.
Baidu encyclopedia-credit card