You can contact the bank customer service and ask for clarification.
If a user cannot receive text messages normally after activating the SMS reminder service at the bank, it is first recommended that the user consult the bank's customer service staff to see if the failure to receive messages is due to an arrears issue. If it is not an arrears issue, , users can find the reason from their mobile phone number.
The reasons for failure to receive text message reminders when a bank card is activated are divided into the following two categories.
In the first category, the system did not send you the text message:
(1) You have canceled the bank account change notification service, so the system did not send the account change notification text message.
(2) Due to failure to pay the account change notification service fee in a timely manner within the grace period, the system has suspended sending account change notification text messages to the customer.
The second category is that your mobile phone cannot receive text messages:
(1) The mobile phone may have insufficient memory space due to saving too many text messages and other reasons, and cannot receive new messages.
(2) The mobile phone number is in arrears with the operator's communication fees, and the service may have been suspended by the operator of the mobile phone, resulting in the mobile phone being unable to receive text messages normally.
(3) The SMS sending network signal of the operator in the area is poor or the network is blocked, resulting in the loss of SMS or the delay in sending.
(4) A Trojan has intercepted your text messages. Because now the basic method for hackers to steal money from bank cards or support cards is to intercept verification code text messages sent by Alipay or banks.
Even if you have activated the SMS notification service of your bank card and still cannot receive SMS messages, it may be because no transaction has occurred, or the transaction amount has not reached the starting amount for SMS notification. You can try trading a few large amounts. Give it a try, and if you still don’t have it, you can go to a bank branch for consultation.
You have canceled the bank account change notification service, so your phone may have saved text messages, resulting in insufficient memory space and unable to receive new messages. It may also be that the mobile phone is in arrears and the service has been suspended by the operator. If you cancel the bank account change notification service, you will not receive bank account change information.