After that, one way is to continue to use this credit card and repay it on time, and show its repayment in the last 24 months in the personal credit report. If the credit card is no longer used, the account should be cancelled immediately, and this bad debt record will become overdue and will be kept in the personal credit report for 5 years from the repayment date. If the debt is paid but the card is not cancelled, the credit information system will also show as "bad debt".
Although there are overdue records, the credit status is much better than "bad debts" and banks will not be included in the "blacklist". If you don't intend to continue using this card, it is recommended to cancel the account completely after paying off the arrears. The status of credit card swiping will become overdue, and it will be kept in personal credit report for 5 years from the date of repayment. After the cardholder goes to the bank to handle the credit card with bad debt record, it is recommended to check the personal credit report again one month later to confirm whether there is a credit card "bad debt" record.