Will the limit for a credit card application be high? In fact, although the credit card package consists of two cards, they are both in the same account under the name of the cardholder, so the limits of the two cards are the same, and the total available limit is based on one of the cards. It is not the superimposed limit of two cards, like the limit of a foreign currency card, it is converted into a foreign currency limit according to the UnionPay card limit. If the UnionPay card is overdrawn within the limit, the limit of the foreign currency card will be reduced accordingly. Therefore, please do not think that the limit will be higher if you apply for a set of cards. After all, the overdraft limit of a credit card depends on the bank's assessment of the applicant's credit conditions, which requires everyone to do the following when applying for a card: 1. Carefully fill in the application form information and pay attention to several small details that affect the credit limit, such as whether Whether you have housing in the place where you apply for the card, whether you pay social security, etc., whether you have a household registration in this city, whether you are married and have children, etc., as well as the position you are employed in, length of service, annual income, etc., can be appropriately optimized based on real information. 2. Fully prepare asset certificates. This is a guarantee of repayment ability. Banks only approve cards for those who are able to repay. They usually evaluate the repayment ability based on the applicant's various income and asset status. If conditions permit, the bank can Income certificates, house ownership certificates, car ownership certificates, bank deposit certificates or securities certificates are submitted to the bank through offline card processing.