Is it okay to swipe your credit card for small amounts more often? Nowadays, major banks have very strict risk control, and they often block cards and reduce the limit. Especially those who frequently swipe large amounts are the most likely to encounter risk control. In comparison, swiping cards with small amounts is safer. Usually the amount of the card swiped matches the type of merchant. For example, if you swipe a card for about 2 to 100 yuan at a breakfast shop, or a few dozen to a hundred yuan for a hotel, there will basically be no problems. And according to the bank's standards for credit card usage, small-amount credit card swiping is more popular, because it is more in line with daily consumption habits. In addition, the amount of swiping is small, and the repayment pressure will not be great, so the cardholder does not have to worry about not having enough money. Money repayments are overdue. However, it is not enough to increase the limit by swiping the card with small amounts. After all, powerful cardholders will definitely not only swipe small amounts. They will also go to some high-end places to spend money, such as entertainment cities, KVT, etc. A consumption of at least a thousand yuan. Therefore, the correct way to swipe your card is to make multiple small transactions every month + occasionally a few large transactions. You must also diversify your consumption and expand the scenarios for swiping your card. In addition to swiping your card, you can also make some appropriate contributions to the bank. For example, you can apply for installment repayment after swiping a large amount of credit card, which not only allows the bank to earn handling fees, but also reduces your repayment pressure and avoids overdue payments; if you are short of money, you can also Use a credit card to withdraw cash, or apply for a credit card cash installment. In short, a multi-pronged approach is needed to increase the credit card limit. Credit card swiping is the main task, and contributions are supplemented. If you borrow and repay, it is not difficult to increase the credit limit.