Because the credit card has exceeded the limit, it becomes a negative number. When the credit card repayment amount is greater than the amount owed, the extra part will be displayed as a negative number, which is the so-called overpayment.
A certain amount of fees will be charged for withdrawing the overpaid funds when credit card customers repay the funds or the funds deposited in the credit card account. This amount can increase the available limit of your credit card or be used directly for consumption repayment. If there is an overpayment on the credit card, the overpayment will be deducted first and then the credit limit. If the overpayment is greater than the consumption amount, there will be no overdraft. No interest is accrued on overpayment.
After successfully applying for bill installment or single installment, the installment amount will occupy the cardholder's limit and will be restored gradually as the cardholder repays each installment.
Extended information:
"Overpayment" does not include interest. In other words, there is no benefit to "recharging" the credit card in advance and then spending. If the cardholder wants to increase a certain credit limit, he or she can apply for a temporary limit from the bank's customer service center. There is no need to rely on "overpayment" to increase spending power.
If you withdraw money from an ATM machine with "overpayment", you will still be charged a cash withdrawal fee according to the credit card cash withdrawal standards. In this case, it is recommended that the cardholder transfer the overpayment on the credit card to a debit card of the same name in any bank, and then withdraw cash from the debit card. This reduces handling fees.
If a cardholder encounters an "overpayment" situation, he or she should consume the overpayment by swiping the card to avoid unnecessary expenses.
Baidu Encyclopedia - Overpayment
Baidu Encyclopedia - CITIC Bank Credit Card Center