Compilation and detailed explanation of credit card English vocabulary
collectvt.< /p>
Credit, [finance] credit, bank deposit
Playing cards, cards
Expenses, expenses
Plastic, shaped
Authorization, entrustment
vt., vi. Ask for price; ask someone to pay; charge
n. Expenses; expenses
Collect money ;Collect accounts
Force, impose
Unpaid, unpaid
Affordable; able to provide, Can give
Phrases with phrases
Pay cash
Write a check
On credit; buy on credit
Credit: a proof given to someone that he or she can be trusted in terms of solvency and honesty when buying or borrowing Reputation
Example: You should have not trouble getting the loan your credit is good.
If you have good credit, there will be no problem in getting this loan
2. More and more they pay for things with credit cards. They are getting more and more Credit cards are used to pay for purchases in many places.
This sentence is an inversion sentence, emphasizing moreandmore(moneys). The normal word order is Theypaymoreandmore?.
3.Thisauthorizesthestoretochargethebankforthecustomerspurchase. This authorizes the store to charge the bank for the customer’s purchase.
chargev. ①toholdfinanciallyliable; demandpaymentfrom make one liable to repay the money; demand payment:
Example: chargeherforthebalancedue
Let her pay the debt
②tosetorask(agivenamount)asaprice Ask for price, asking price: (a certain amount of money) as a charge:
Example: chargetendollarsforahaircut
A haircut costs ten dollars
< p>chargevt.;n.costn.
Trust, credit
Playing cards, cards
Income, income
Available, available
Popular, popular, popular
vt. Accounting n. Expense
Cost, Price
Buy, purchase
Additional, not included in price
Initiate, host
Pioneer, advocate
Separately, variously
Event, problem
Replace, replace
Individual, individual< /p>
Enterprise; industrial and commercial enterprise
Phrases and Phrases
Credit Cards
Work Record
American Express
Service fee, handling fee
1. If you have a credit card, you can buy a car, eat a meal, take a trip, and even get a hair cut by charging the cost to your account. If you have a credit card, you can buy a car, travel or even get a haircut as long as you charge the account
(1)takeatrip travel
(3)bychargingthecosttoyouraccount is a prepositional phrase, used as an adverbial in the sentence.
Charging? (to) is a gerund and serves as the object of the preposition by.
Example: paidcashforthestockingsbutchargedthenewcoat.
The socks were paid in cash but Bought a new coat on credit
2. This, of course, can be a problem, if you charge more than you can pay for. Of course, this is a problem if your bill exceeds your ability to pay.
(1)youchargemorethanyoucanpayfor is a comparative adverbial clause introduced by (more)?than?.
3. Many of us believe that it will only be amatter of time before credit cards replace cash and checks for both individuals and businesses. Many of us believe that it is only a matter of time before credit cards replace cash and replace personal checks and business checks.
(1)(Manyofusbelieve)thatitwillonlybe? is an object clause introduced by that.
believevt.toexpectorsuppose; think expectation, expectation; think
Example: Ibelievetheywillarriveshortly.
I think they will arrive soon
(2 )mattern.asubjectofconcern,feeling,oraction consideration, thing: the recipient of concern, emotion or behavior
Example: Thisisamatteroffforeignpolicy.
This is a matter of foreign policy.
(3)checkn.awrittenordertoabanktopaytheamountspecifiedfromfundsondeposit;adraft.Check: A written check to a bank to pay a specific amount from a deposit; money order
How to say credit card in English
us On the credit card issued by the bank, there is its English translation or abbreviation on it. Here is how to say credit card in English that I have compiled for your reference!
How to say credit card in English
English [_kreditkɑ:d] American [_kr_d_tkɑrd]
English examples of credit card
1.Make a note of credit card numbers and check expiry dates.
Write down the credit card and check the expiry date.
Paying for your order with a credit card couldn’t be easier.
If a thief steals your credit card, your card will be protected immediately.
Paying for your order with a credit card is very simple.
5.TSB's monthly credit card rate is now increased from 1.95% to 2.05%.
TSB Bank's monthly credit card rate is now increased from 1.95% to 2.05%.
6. They may use credit card for convenience.
For convenience, they may use credit card.
7.Punch your credit card number into the keypad.
Punch your credit card number into the keypad.
8. You can pay by credit card.
You can pay by credit card.
The smart card system is designed to prevent credit card fraud.
10. It is very convenient to pay by credit card.
It is very convenient to pay by credit card.
Our hotels accept all major credit cards.
With a credit card, you don’t need to carry a lot of cash.
13.She was charged with credit card fraud.
She was charged with credit card fraud.
If you don’t pay by credit card, please pay in cash.
Credit cards are then accepted, but signatures must be checked.
Bilingual examples for bank cards
1. Holidaymakers should beware of using plastic cards in foreign cash dispensers.
Use banks at foreign currency cash machines while on holiday Be careful with cards.
This is your passbook and bank card.
3.Bring thepasscardwithyoueverytimeyoucomeintodepositorwithdrawmoney.
Every time you Please bring this bank card with you when you come to the bank to withdraw or deposit money.
Question: Is the personal information and bankcard information I provide safe?< /p>
5. This paper investigates the existing bankcard anti-fraud system's development process."
This paper first summarizes and reviews the existing bank card anti-fraud system's development process.
6. Nextyear'sinsurancefeeswillbepaidthroughbankcards.
Next year's insurance premiums will be paid directly from my bank card.
7.Certainly, withpleasure.Firstinsertyourbankingcardandenteryourcode.
Of course, I can Very happy. First insert your bank card and enter your password.
8. May I have your bankcard and the withdrawal slip, please?
Please give me your bank card and withdrawal receipt.
Can I see your bankcard and ID card?
Do I have to use a bank card to top it up?
11. Thesecretcodeofhisbankcardhasbeenstolen.
His bank card password has been stolen.
12.Bankcardindustryhasbecomethemostpotentialindustryindevelopedcountry.< /p>
The bankcard industry (Bankcard Industry) has become one of the industries with the greatest development potential in the modern economy.
13. However, the competition of card market is more drastic than before.
However, with the With the rapid expansion of the bank card market, market competition has become more intense.
14. Postbank card for industry and commerce may transfer through ATM?
Can post bank card and industrial and commercial bank card transfer money through ATM?
15.While shopping online, you can pay with your bankcard.
You can pay with your bankcard for online shopping.
How do you say credit card in English?
How to write the English name of a credit card
The English name of a credit card is: credit
card< /p>
UK [_kredit
US [_kr_d_t
Credit card, charge card;
You can pay with a credit card.
What is creditcard?
Creditcard is a credit card.
1. Credit card: refers to a bank card with a certain credit limit, which can be paid first and then repaid within the credit limit, and enjoys an interest-free repayment period and no interest on deposits according to regulations. The card has functions such as credit consumption, installment payment, transfer settlement, cash deposit and withdrawal, etc.
2. Quasi-credit card: refers to a bank card that allows you to pay first and then repay within the credit limit, but does not enjoy the interest-free repayment period and has interest on deposits. The card can be used at domestic and overseas acceptance points with the UnionPay logo, and has functions such as credit consumption, transfer settlement, and cash deposits and withdrawals. A debit card is a card where the cardholder deposits money first and uses it later. Credit card refers to a credit card. A credit card is a credit certificate issued to consumers with qualified credit. The card holder can use it first and repay later.
Credit card in English is creditcard, which is easy to understand and is based on personal credit (credit). Credit card is also called "credit card". Savings card in English is debitcard, also called debit card. This is a more professional term, but what does it have to do with "borrowing" is difficult to understand. Some people say that the money you put in a savings card is equivalent to lending it to a bank, so it is a debit card. Although this makes sense, it is not a professional explanation. Because the "debit" and "credit" here are financial terms, which come from the double-entry accounting method and have nothing to do with the meaning of these two words themselves. If there is a "VISA" or "MasterCard" mark on the credit card, you can directly use the card to make purchases abroad, while debit cards or cash must be exchanged first.
: Credit cards originated in the United States in 1915. The earliest institutions that issued credit cards were not banks, but department stores, restaurants, entertainment industries, and gasoline companies. In order to attract customers, promote goods, and expand turnover, some stores and restaurants in the United States selectively issue credit chips similar to metal badges to customers within a certain range. Later, they evolved into cards made of plastic as customer purchases. As proof of consumption of goods, we have launched a credit sales service business for purchasing goods at our store or company or gasoline station with credit chips. Customers can purchase goods on credit at these stores and branches that issue chips and pay on schedule. This is the prototype of a credit card
This is the end of the introduction to how to say credit card in English and how to apply for a credit card in English. Have you found the information you need?