however, there are many ways to force credit card landing, and not all of them may work. 1. Try to raise money to repay the loan. This method is the safest to force ashore. After all, as long as you pay back the money you owe your credit card, the bank will naturally stop pursuing it. However, you may encounter a situation that you have no money to repay, and you need the help of relatives and friends if you want to raise money to land. But they may not know about the money you owe your credit card, so you have to confess to your family and borrow money to repay it. 2, playing missing and refusing to repay this kind of mentality is broken. Some people will say that there is no money to repay anyway, which has affected the credit investigation beyond the time limit, so they simply don't pay back, so they don't answer the bank phone, don't reply to text messages, and adopt methods such as moving, changing numbers, and changing jobs, so that banks can't find themselves. To sum up, it is difficult to force the credit card to land, and you may be treated coldly by your family, sued, and hacked, but things will always be solved. The money owed to the credit card is the money owed to the country, and it is best to force the landing by paying off the arrears.