1. Log in to the China Construction Bank personal online banking system, click "Account Inquiry Service", select the China Construction Bank card you want to inquire about, and click Account Inquiry;
2. Call the CCB national unified hotline 95533 Query through the self-service voice system or transfer to manual customer service;
3. Edit the text message "Bill #Last four digits of the card number" to 95533, and CCB will send the latest bank statement information to the text message.
: How to check bank card balance?
1. Mobile banking. It is more convenient to view it on your mobile phone. As long as there is Internet and WiFi, you can view it anytime and anywhere. Similarly, download the corresponding bank mobile client and the balance will be displayed after logging in.
2. Online banking inquiry. Use a browser to open the official website of the bank corresponding to the bank card. After logging in, click My Account and click Account Inquiry to see the balance of the bank card and detailed records of previous transactions.
3. Self-service teller machine inquiry. If you don’t have access to the Internet and don’t want to waste phone bills, you can choose a self-service teller machine to check your bank card balance. With today's self-service teller machines, you can check the balance of any bank card, which is very convenient.
4. Customer service phone number. In the absence of Internet access, you can also call the bank's customer service number to check your bank card balance. Generally, the customer service phone number will be printed on the back of the bank card.
5. Bank branches. You must go to a bank branch with your bank card and ID card. Remember to go to the bank corresponding to the bank card and follow the instructions of the bank staff to make inquiries.
How to unfreeze a frozen bank card?
1. If the debit card is frozen for judicial reasons or other reasons, it can only be unfrozen after fulfilling corresponding obligations. For example: you need to pay off other people's debts before they can be unfrozen.
2. If the debit card is frozen due to entering the wrong password, the user needs to bring the original valid ID card and bank card to the bank branch to unfreeze it. When unfreezing, if the assets are less than 50,000, you can reset the password on the smart teller machine. If the balance in the card is greater than 50,000, you need to go to the counter in person.
3. If you have not used your debit card for a long time, causing the counter business to be frozen, you also need to go to the counter with a valid ID card and bank card.
4. If your credit card is frozen and needs to be unfrozen, it may be due to illegal credit card use or cash-out behavior. Therefore, it is best to go to the bank counter and remove the corresponding reasons before using it. If you are blocked because you entered the wrong password, you still have to go to the counter.
Operating environment: Huawei nova4 10.01.38
China Construction Bank 4.1.9