For repeated repayments on a credit card, once the repayment is successful and cannot be withdrawn, the excess amount will become a credit card overpayment, which can be directly deposited into the credit card account to offset the repayment amount of future bills; if you want to withdraw it, you may have to bear the responsibility Some of the handling fees are free of charge at only some banks, such as Agricultural Bank of China - Guangfa - Minsheng, etc.
Therefore, it is best to repay the credit card according to the bill repayment amount. Do not repeat the operation to avoid unnecessary trouble for yourself. Repay through the official channels of the card issuer, and the amount will be restored in real time.
Can I return it if I make repeated payments on my credit card?
If the user forgets that his credit card has been paid and pays repeatedly, the returned money will not be refunded by the bank, but will remain on the card and become an overpayment. After that, if the customer swipes the card for consumption, the remaining balance will be used first, and the card amount will be spent after the remaining balance is used up.
If the credit card consumption does not use up the balance, then after the next bill of the card comes out, by the repayment date, if the customer has signed an automatic repayment agreement, the bank system will deduct the remaining balance. Repayment. If the remaining overpayment cannot be offset against the next bill, the user still needs to repay the outstanding balance.
If there is any remaining amount after the overpayment has been deducted from the bill, it will be deducted when the customer swipes their card until the overpayment is used up. It should be noted that part of the overpayment has been unused and will become a bad debt, but users can withdraw it by themselves.