Under normal circumstances, if the payment is overdue within three months, a call will be made to collect the payment. If the payment is overdue for more than three months, the person will be sued or visited. Therefore, even if you cannot repay the loan in full, it is recommended that you pay back some every month to prove that you are willing to repay, but there is a problem with your repayment ability. In this case, the bank will not sue you and will negotiate with you. The longer the credit card is overdue, the more serious the problem will be. If it is overdue for more than a week, the bank will reduce the credit limit to urge you to repay. Within one month of overdue payment, the bank will notify you by phone or text message that you have repaid the loan. Otherwise, a credit check will be conducted and penalty interest will be charged. If you repay the loan within this time period, the bank will not take any action. Enforcement measures to ensure dunning progress. If the payment is overdue for more than one month or more, the bank will ask a third party to collect the payment. Collection forms will no longer be limited to bank collection forms. They may contact family and friends who harass you. If you don't want this, repay the loan early.
According to relevant regulations, as long as the user's credit card is overdue for more than 3 months, and the bank has made at least two effective collections on the user during the overdue period, and the user still has no intention to repay, it is a malicious overdraft. The bank has the right to sue the cardholder. Once the lawsuit is filed, the court will impose a corresponding judgment on the user based on the seriousness of the overdue payment. Serious cases may be imprisoned.
1. There are currently two methods for calculating the minimum repayment interest in China, full penalty interest and partial penalty interest. Most banks adopt the method of full penalty interest, that is, only the full penalty interest is calculated before the repayment date. If the minimum repayment amount is not paid in full, then not only the interest on the outstanding part must be paid, but also the interest accrued on the entire amount due from the consumption date to the repayment date at a rate of 0.5% per day. Another calculation method is that when the loan is repaid in full, only the interest generated on the outstanding portion must be paid, which is also based on the daily interest rate of 0.5%.
2. If you miss the repayment date due to negligence, you must repay the loan as soon as possible after discovering that it is overdue, preferably in full. Then call the bank's credit card center and state that the debt is not malicious. If the record has been good in the past and the overdue time is short, and it is found that the repayment is good after the overdue period, it may not be recorded as a bad record. Be sure to pay attention to bank bill notifications and collection information in the future to avoid overdue payments.