However, card number, CVV2 and expiration date are very important credit card information. Although you can't get the money, you can buy these three things online or order them by phone, that is, they are provided during the transaction. Of course, more and more regular businesses now need consumers to prove that they are card owners through VISA verification or MASTER SERCURITY CODEl when conducting online transactions to prevent theft.
If the landlord uses a credit card, I suggest you don't show it to others at ordinary times. If you lose your card, it is recommended to report it as soon as possible to minimize the loss. However, it should also be reminded that the loss reporting card can't 100% prevent losses, because some merchants who conduct small online transactions don't need VISA or MASTER verification until they return the receipt to the acquiring bank. At this time, the issuing bank (that is, the bank where you hold the card) can help you to do the work of "checking the bill" and claim compensation from the other merchant bank (the acquiring bank).
In short, when using a credit card, remember not to disclose the card information.