Make sure that the credit card overdraft has been paid off before closing the account. Can you call or go to the bank to see if it can be done?
When canceling your account over the phone, you can ask if there are any additional charges, such as unpaid bills, to avoid unnecessary charges. Canceled credit cards can be reactivated within a specified period of time, usually within three months.
If it is not particularly necessary, do not choose to cancel the card, because canceling the card will leave a bad impression on the bank. If you apply again after the credit card is cancelled, even if 6 months have passed, the possibility of being rejected is still higher than that of other applicants, and the rejection rate is relatively high.
Extended information:
When canceling an account, the unit must check the deposit (loan) account balance with the bank, and then settle the deposit (loan) balance with the relevant voucher issued by the unit , and hand in various blank important vouchers at the same time. After the account is closed, the unit that canceled the account shall be fully responsible for all problems arising from failure to return blank important vouchers. When a current savings deposit account requires the account to be settled, the passbook must be withdrawn and canceled.
Closing your credit card account is something you must do if you no longer intend to use it. If you do not cancel your account, the bank will charge you the annual fee for the credit card. If the card is not overdrawn, you can apply for account cancellation at any time.