Xiongyongtian 1, *, Meizhichuan B, Hongaoye B, Shuiyue B Yihui,
Bongbeen Yantian B, Kangming Maeda b
Advanced science and technology of a research institute, osaka prefecture university, Xueyuan Town 1-2, Horizo, Osaka 599-857. Received the revised form of 1999Abstract
ultrasonic degradation on September 24th. 2-,3-and 4-chlorophenol and pentachlorophenol in dilute solution have been investigatedunder air or argon atmosphere. Degeneration
The initial state and interest rate in the next first-order kinetics are in the range4.5-6.6 mm min-1, and the concentration of argon is 1 mm at 6.-7.2 mMmin-1,
chlorophenol. The rate of OH radical formation is from argon gas under water 19.8 mm min-1 and air under 14.7 mMmin-1 under the same sonolysis condition. The
chlorophenol of sonolysis is effectively inhibited, but not completely, by increasing T-butanol, which is known as anefficient OH radical scavenger in aqueous solution of sonolysis. This shows that < P > mainly degrades chlorophenol and gains viareaction and OH radical; Thermal reactions also occur from time to time, although its contribution is small. Except for proper < P > accelerated degradation of a large number of iron (II) ions. This may be due to the regenerated hydrogen peroxide of OH radical, which will be recombined to form
OH radical, and may contribute to a little degradation.
the ability to inhibit bacterial reproduction, pentachlorophenol with ultrasonic irradiation. ? 2 Elsevier Science B. v. All rights reserved.
Keywords: chlorophenol, pentachlorophenol; Ultrasonic degradation
1. Introduction
The application of ultrasound to degrade
chemical pollutants in water has been widely investigated recently. Example reports include degraded hydrogen sulfide [1], chlorofluorocarbons
[ 2-4], chlorinated hydrocarbons [5-8], polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons [9], many kinds of phenol [October 16]
thiophosphate [17], geosmin [18], and hydroxy acids
( HBA cards). It is well known that ultrasonic irradiation
provides various chemical and physical effects, such as for
general sonochemistry. [ 2-31 ] 。 The
water of Sonolysis forms a cavity and then folds it, which can produce a huge local
temperature and pressure rise, so water
is decomposed into hydrogen atoms and hydroxyl radicals
[ 32,33]. Ultrasonic wave of pollutants in aqueous solution will lead to its degradation
by hydroxyl radicals or hydrogen atoms and/or high temperature;
Therefore, ultrasonic irradiation is an effective method to degrade
a variety of organic pollutants.
In this paper, we report the results, ultrasonic
degradation of 2-,3-and 4-chlorophenol (2-,3-and
4-long) and pentachlorophenol (PeCP) in water using
high-power ultrasonic generator and our interests
technical feasibility, ultrasonic destruction
2 。 Experiment
2.1. The
of materials
2-,3-and 4-CP and chlorobenzene (carbon black) are reduced or atmospheric pressure is reduced from photochemical and distillation purification. Reagent
class PeCP (standard determination reagent
other agricultural chemicals), methanol, dimethyl
isopropanol (tert-butanol), n-hexane, ammonium iron (II)
VI, sulfuric acid, sodium chloride and sodium sulfate
from photochemical industry, the nutrient broth (No.2) consists of
protein and potassium monohydrogen. Argon
(99.999% purity) was purchased from Osaka Villa.
water is in the pure water treatment system (millisecond-Q table).
2.2 。 Identify and determine the starting materials
and decomposition products
Identify and determine 34 people
The performance adopts six high-performance liquid chromatographs of Shimadzu liquid crystals in Japan
A photoelectric detector
The column 18 on ozone-depleting substances uses Na2HPO3, KH2PO3 and
sodium sulfate as eluents. The absorption spectrum CPS and
acoustic vibration reaction mixture were determined by
Shimadzu ultraviolet spectrophotometer 31. The establishment of chloride ion
was determined by 34 sonolysis to use
ion chromatograph (IC-1 in Yokogawa, North China).
2.3 。 Ultrasonic irradiation
Addo ultrasonic generator (Kaijyo 421) and
a barium titanate oscillator 65mm in diameter
for ultrasonic irradiation and operation of 2kHz
input intensity and 2 samples from the United States
acoustic vibration of 65ml is in a cylindrical glass container equipped with
and a greaseless bulb; Its total volume is 15 ml and its
inner diameter is 5 mm. The ship also has side effects
the arm bubbles with silicone rubber in the air, or
the sample extracted from the sample is not exposed to air.
The bottom of the ship is flat and thin
as much as possible (1 mm), and the bottom is reduced due to the increase of the thickness of the transmitted ultrasonic waves
The ship is mounted in a constant relative position
The sound wave (3.75mm: 1/2
from the oscillator) at the intersection of the aircraft. To solve the problem of stable reaction kettle
and exact position, laboratory jacks, pliers and
holders-all parts in the positioning system
optical measurement-are used. In radiation, the ship was closed. The rate of formation of OH radical
It is estimated that the formation of
argon at 19.8 mm min-1 and air and
hydrogen at 14.7 mMmin-1 is estimated to be 2 mm min-1
according to the
Benson Lysis condition of argon in the pure water of sonolysis [19,34].
2.4 。 Determination of the inhibitory effect of the ability of
bacterial reproduction
Salmonella typhimurium strain director 98 or director 1 people
inoculated in nutrient broth culture medium, which is prepared from 2.5g of nutrient solution and 1ml of water
and sterilized under high pressure (flat HA24). To
bacterial inoculation, the solution of ultrasonic treatment of
PeCP is to increase the handshake with the incubation in the resulting test at 37℃ for 3 h. Clean
replacement (Japan Ikaki VST1) is used for these operations. In the turbidity test, an appropriate incubation time is measured at 65 nm < P > after bacterial reproduction. The ultrasonic treatment solution
is prepared as follows. The 1 mm
(1 in 26.7 million) PeCP of aqueous solution is sonicated until 95%
PeCP has rotted. After adjusting the pH to
6.6, sodium hydroxide was added, and the irradiation solution
concentrated evaporation at 35 C to obtain
PeCP was equivalent to
ultrasonic treatment of 2 parts per million, if not
. In fact, in the test concentration
, about 1 millionth (1 millionth of 5%) and small
observation on bacterial reproduction
this diluted PeCP concentration.
3 。 Results and discussion
3.1. Chloroparaffin
diagram of Sonolysis. 1 shows that the time-dependent degradation of
2-,3-,4-CP and PeCP and chloride
anions is carried out in argon or air atmosphere under ultrasound.
the firstorder decay is started in the initial stage of degradation. The degradation speed of argon is faster than that in air: 9-1% of the first 34 people are degraded for
4 minutes, almost 1% for 1 hour, and the sonolysis is
argon, which is 7-8% for 4 minutes and 8-9% for
1 hour, and the sonolysis is in the air. The folded cavity with temperature
is defined as Tfin =
field [Pfin (frame C-1)/product] where Tfin and Pfin are the final TEM
temperature and pressure, and the initial temperature and pressure of shatian and pin; ? The CP/coefficient of = is
specific heat at constant pressure
foam with specific heat in constant volume gas.
the value of argon (1.67) in C is higher than that in air
( 1.4); Therefore, the cavitation effect should be higher < P > according to argon ratio to air. It seems that there is little oxygen to accelerate the
reaction. The decomposition rate of 3 proteins is faster than those of 2-CP and
4 proteins. Due to the
free radicals in Ohio, the OH free radicals attacking the website are expected to take the chloride ions adjacent to and in the direction of the
segment and the compounds whose OH group is
in their parents as general observation
OH free radicals except aromatic compounds. In fact,
this is the HBA card for observing sonolysis [19].
In protein 3, there are three points which are both orthogonal and
first oriented, with chloride ion and OH radicals being the most likely to appear in Ohio, and protein 3 is
regarded as the most vulnerable addition reaction
OH radical. Reaction between the protocols
The experimental results and reasoning show that
contributes to the OH radical reaction, and 34 sonolysis
is very important.
3.2 。 The ability of sonolysis to inhibit bacteria
multiplication using PeCP
It is reported that the ability of PeCP to inhibit
multiplication of green algae grid subspicatus
with ultrasonic irradiation [11]. The work in this field is
the ability of p>PeCP to inhibit
the influence of typhoid Bacillus from multiplying by ultrasonic irradiation. Figure. 2 shows (1) 98 and Strain Director < P > (2) Strain Director 1 PeCP and its sonolyzed products which inhibit bacterial reproduction.
the ability of ultrasound decreased, but the decrease was slightly less than PeCP degradation; This is
indicative of the formation inhibition of other materials
in the PeCP of sonolysis, although the quantity
will be negligible. Long irradiation time
is more complex than complete destruction, and then the inhibitory effect of
ability must be completely removed.
3.3 。 Decomposition mechanism and reaction website
At all intensities of 34, two ultraviolet absorption bands
at 215-225 and 27-28 nm (PeCP at 25 and
32 nm) are all distributed to aromatic rings,
which reduces the irradiation, although the changing
bands are sonolysis in the air at shorter wavelengths
. The results show that in all < P > CPS and PeCP, the < P > ultrasonic irradiation of aromatic ring cleavage is in parallel with the degradation of < P > starting compounds. Figure. 3 shows the change of < P > UV spectrum of 3 proteins as an example. Similar trends
are observed with other 34.
diagram. 4 shows the
sonolysis 4 protein of T-butanol. Degraded effective < P > quenched additional T-butanol, but not completely, < P > even if there is 1 times molar concentration of tert-butanol to 3 proteins. It is reported that tert-butyl alcohol is
an effective hydroxyl radical scavenger in water sonolysis
19,35] and completely inhibits the degradation
( HBA card) at this concentration.
A more detailed investigation of the reaction
mechanism and reaction of the website sonolysis's CB, which
is more turbulent and hydrophobic than 34, is
diagram. 5 shows the sonochemical degradation of CB, < P > the formation of chloride ions and the role of T-butanol < P > except for carbon black sonolysis. The degradation rate
is faster than that of CPS and HBA cards, with higher conversion rate and lower scavenging effect of chloride ions
Table 1 shows the initial rate of degradation
in 34 works, and compares
those HBA cards and CB degradation and OH radicals
formed from water sonolysis.
Degraded sonolytic HBA cards will begin to
react with OH free radicals in a large number of
solutions, and in thermal reaction empty bubbles
or interface areas, HBA cards may be excluded due to
non-volatile and hydrophilic properties.
turbulent and hydrophobic carbon black, however, the cavitation of foam and its main
degradation pathway may be pyrolysis at high temperature
in foam, and the most thorough and rapid
degradation will interfere with tert-butyl alcohol
. In fact, the high degradation rate < P > concentration far exceeds the formation of OH radicals < P > which supports the pyrolysis pathway.
CB and HBA cards are in the middle of the reaction.
Observe chlorinated paraffin (although it is a little brief
close to HBA cards). Compared with HBA card, the more hydrophobic chlorinated paraffin may be concentrated on one interface at present, which reacts with OH radical or is rich in thermal reaction. It is estimated that from the figure. 4. Most of the
degradation gains are solved by free radical reactions, but about 1% are due to thermal reactions
at the interface (the degradation cavity is insignificant
due to the low fluctuation of country parks).
considering the velocity constant k (tert-butanol+Ohio) # 5× 18 [36], potassium (tert-butanol+high) # 15 and
degree (C6H5OH+high) # 19 [37], tert-butanol can be an OH radical scavenger, but not an H atom scavenger, so