When borrowing money, different users get different quotas, but they are generally determined according to the comprehensive data of users. After obtaining the quota, the borrower can borrow within the quota, and borrow from 600 yuan when borrowing, with a maximum quota of 800,000, which can be recycled.
Users can choose different repayment methods when borrowing through e-loan, such as equal principal and interest, average capital, one-time interest payment and one-time principal and interest payment; If an individual has spare money after borrowing, he can repay the loan in advance at this time, which can reduce interest expenses and is conducive to the next loan.
Rong e borrows money in advance without penalty. When repaying in advance, you can use different channels, such as online banking and mobile banking. Individuals can also go to business outlets to repay when they have time. Users can increase the credit line of financing e-loan and reduce the loan interest rate by repaying on time after borrowing.