If your card shows that the card has been received, it means that you have gone through the card refund procedure. There are several possibilities for this situation. First, you call 95588 to cancel the card, and the bank will display the card you received. Another reason is that you have not used this card for a long time. The card is owed an annual fee or deposit. The bank picks up the card for you, but the card may affect your personal credit. Alternatively, you go to the bank and ask to cancel the card. At that time, bank staff can only pick up the card for you. After 1 month, you must bring your ID card to the original card collection point.
This situation indicates that the credit card has entered the cancellation process and is in a pending cancellation state. After the card-issuing bank performs a card collection transaction, the card cannot be used normally, and the card-issuing bank will cancel the account after one month. The card-issuing bank waits for a month for the subsequent consumption bill of the card to avoid the situation where the account cancellation bill does not arrive.
1. The card can be restored without closing the account
When canceling the card, the cardholder can call the bank customer service to cancel. When you make sure your card limit is not over-limited or in arrears, cancel your card. When opening a card again, the cardholder can explain the situation through manual customer service, provide their ID number, and check some information registered when opening the card. After the cardholder is confirmed, the staff will immediately handle the credit card cancellation procedure.
2. If the card is canceled again, the account cannot be restored. If the cardholder cancels the account when canceling the card, the credit card cannot be recovered.
: Banks have no right to freeze bank cards under citizens’ names, but they can apply to the court for freezing. According to the relevant provisions of the Commercial Bank Law, any unit or individual that inquires or freezes personal savings deposits must obtain explicit authorization from laws and administrative regulations. The people's court may take judicial coercive measures to freeze deposit accounts based on the application of the parties or the needs of the people's procuratorate or public security organs to investigate crimes. In the process of administrative management, in order to stop illegal activities, prevent evidence damage, avoid harm, and control the expansion of danger, administrative agencies may take administrative coercive measures to freeze deposits in accordance with the authorization of relevant laws and regulations.