Credit card installment is a good repayment method when users are short of funds, and proper use of credit card installment is also beneficial to credit card withdrawal, but installment repayment needs to pay the corresponding installment fee, and the installment fee of different banks will be different, so what is the installment interest of Bank of Beijing's credit card?
how much is the interest of Bank of Beijing credit card flexible installment?
There are two ways to charge interest on Bank of Beijing's credit card in flexible installments: one-time payment and installment payment.
one-time collection method: one-time installment interest = total installment principal × total installment interest rate of corresponding installments, and installment interest is collected together with the principal payable in the current period in the first installment of the bill;
installment method: installment interest is charged for each installment = total installment principal × installment interest rate for corresponding installments, and installment interest is evenly distributed to each installment according to the number of installments, and is charged together with the principal payable in the current period.
one-time installment interest rate (total interest rate):
2.4% in three installments;
divided into 6 periods: 3.9%;
divided into 9 stages: 5.85%;
divided into 12 periods: 7.2%;
divided into 18 periods: 1.8%;
divided into 24 periods: 14.4%.
installment interest rate (interest rate per installment):
.8% in three installments;
divided into 6 periods: .7%;
divided into 9 periods: .7%;
divided into 12 periods: .65%;
divided into 18 periods: .65%;
divided into 24 phases: .68%.
that's all. I hope it will help you.