More or less consumption does not affect credit. The use of credit cards affects credit only after overdraft consumption. If you fail to make up the debt within the stipulated repayment time, if you are overdue for 3 consecutive months, you will enter the bank. Credit blacklist!
So in order to maintain your bank credit, you should repay in time according to the few days before the repayment date, and you should take good care of your credit cards and try not to lend them to others. Credit cards that have not been used for a long time should be promptly repaid. Cancel it to prevent the annual fees from having an impact on your credit record.
The "Regulations on the Management of the Credit Reporting Industry" stipulates that institutions that issue personal credit reports must operate with a license, and the collection of personal information must be subject to the consent of the individual. When others inquire about personal information from credit reporting agencies, they must obtain the written consent of the information subject and agree on the purpose. Credit reporting agencies are not allowed to provide personal information in violation of regulations, and are not allowed to collect personal blood type, disease, fingerprints, deposits, securities, commercial insurance, Real estate information and tax information.
According to regulations, citizens have the right to inquire, object and complain about their personal credit reports. For violations of their legal rights, citizens can file lawsuits in the People's Court in accordance with the law. When a credit reporting agency or information provider receives an objection, it shall verify and handle it within 20 days and respond to the objection in writing with the result.
At the same time, individuals can check their credit reports twice a year for free. When citizens need to inquire about their credit reports, they can bring their original and copy of their ID cards to the People's Bank of China for inquiry.