If you are a novice and don’t have a credit card, nor a house loan, or a car loan, then you are called a novice. In this case, it will be difficult for you to apply for a credit card if you don’t have strong qualifications. , but don’t be discouraged and follow me, a credit card expert will help you solve this problem.
First of all, you must have a credit card of your own to establish some credit. .
As a pure white person, it is recommended to apply online for your first card (the methods here are all for people without three jobs. If you have a job, it is a different matter.
For the first card, it is recommended to apply for the CITIC Taobao card online. Generally speaking, the credit limit is not high, and it is usually around 5,000. Use this card well for 3 months, and then apply for a limit increase. Generally, if you use it well, it will be raised to 10,000.
Okay, then after you have this card,,,
The second step is to apply for a transportation card. Generally speaking, transportation cards are approved in seconds. For example, if you apply today, the transportation card will arrive at your home tomorrow.
The credit limit for your first card is 10,000. Then the credit limit for your first card is estimated to be 15,000.
The third step is to apply for the China Merchants Bank Youth Card. < /p>
After you have these three cards, your road to wealth will be opened. No matter what kind of loan you take or apply for a credit card from another bank, it will be very easy.
About. How to apply for a credit card, fill in the information, there are past information, go find it yourself
Of course, the prerequisite is that you can use the card well and learn how to increase the limit.