How to check credit card statements. The number of people using credit cards is increasing, but many card users don’t know how to check credit card statements. The next editor will introduce several methods of checking credit card statements.
At present, bank credit card inquiry methods mainly include homepage inquiry, telephone call inquiry, online banking inquiry and mobile phone inquiry.
1. Official website inquiry
Credit card users can visit the transaction website On the homepage of the credit card, log in to my credit card and jump to the simple accounting page to query. Cardholders can query the transaction details of issued bills, unissued bills, and pending transactions on the credit card homepage.
2. Call inquiry
Cardholders can call the 24-hour call hotline of the Bank of Communications Credit Card Center and follow the prompts through the automatic voice system for inquiry or manual inquiry.
3. Online banking inquiry
Credit card users can log in to Bank of Communications Credit Card Online Banking and select bill inquiry to query detailed bill information for the current month and 12 months.
4. Mobile inquiry
Credit card users can log in For Bank of Communications credit card wap version mobile banking or client version mobile banking, you can check the bill details by entering the bill inquiry page. You can also use the reserved mobile phone number to edit the email cc bill # and send the last 4 digits of the card number to 95559 to check the details of the bill.