English vocabulary arrangement and detailed explanation of credit cards
new words
credit n.
rectangular adj.
plastic DJ.
authorize vt.
charge vt., vi. N.
collect vt.
force vt.
interest n.
unpaid adj.
the word
credit, [financial] credit, bank deposit
playing cards
. VIP payment; Charge
n. fee; Spend
compulsory collection, imposing
unpaid, unpaid
affordable; Can provide, can give
on credit
phrases and phrases
pay cash
write a check
on credit; Credit purchase
1.creditcard credit card
Creditn. Reputation for SolvencyandIntegratyYentitlingPapersontobetrustedinbuyingorrowing:
Credit: proof given to someone, Its reputation of solvency and honesty that can be trusted when buying or borrowing money
Example: YoushouldhavennotroubleGettingTheloan your creditisgood.
If you have a good reputation, there will be no problem in getting this loan
2. MoreandMoretheypayfortingSwithCreditcards. They are increasingly using credit cards to pay for shopping.
This sentence is inverted, emphasizing more and more (money). The normal word order is Theypaymoreandmore? .
3. Thisauthorizesthestotoretocharge Ethebank ForthecustomersPurchase. This authorizes the store to charge the customer's shopping money from the bank.
chargev.①toholdfinanciallyliable; Demandpaymentfrom makes it the responsibility to pay back the money; Ask for payment:
Example: chargeherforthebalancedue
ask her to pay the arrears
② Tosetorask (agivenamount) ASA Price asks for the price, Asking price: take (a certain amount of money) as the charge:
The asking price for a haircut is ten dollars
New Words
Credit n.
Available adj.
. n.
purchasevt.; N.
sponsor vt.
bill n.
conscientious adv.
replace vt.
individual n.
business n.
vt. charge
cost, price
extra, not included in the price
initiate, host
pioneer. Industrial and commercial enterprises
credit card
work record
apply for
American express
master charge
service charge
phrases and phrases
credit card
work record
beauty. American Express Card
Visa Card
Service fee
1. Ifyouhavecredicard, you can buy Acar, eatadinner, Takeatrip, Andevengetahaircut by charging the Costtoyouraccount. If you have a credit card, you can buy a car, travel or even get a haircut as long as you write down the account
(1)takeatrip travel
(2)getahaircut haircut
(3) Bycharging the Costtoyouraccount is a prepositional phrase, which is used as an adverbial in the sentence.
charging? (to) is a gerund and the object of the preposition by.
Charge vt. Toposborne Paymenton (a purchase) ByrecordingAsadebt: Charge to postpone (purchase). Yes. payment
example: paidcashforthestockingsbuttargeted the new coat.
socks were paid in cash but a new coat was bought on credit
2. This, of course, can bea problem, if you charge more money than you can pay. Of course, if your bill exceeds your ability to pay, it will become a problem.
(1) YouCharge MorethanYouCanPayfor is composed of (more)? than? A comparative adverbial clause of guidance.
3. many people believe that it is only a matter of time before credit cards replace cash, personal checks and corporate checks.
(1)(Manyofusbelieve)thatitwillonlybe? It is an object clause guided by that.
believevt.toexpectorsuppose; Think expect, expect; I think
example: IbelieevetheywilleverShortly.
I think they will arrive soon
(2) Mattern. Assubject of Concern, Feeling, or Action, things: recipients of care, feelings or behavior
example: Thisisamatterofforeignpolicy.
This is a question of foreign policy.
(3)checkn.awrittenordertoabanktopaytheamountspecifiedfromfundsondeposit; Adraft. check: a written check for a bank to pay a specific amount from a deposit; Draft
What is the abbreviation of credit card?
bank cards are divided into credit cards (credit
cards), which are generally referred to as credit cards abroad. Generally speaking, they do not save money, and they are repaid after consumption. Now banks in China have also launched them. A Debit
Card is a bank card that cannot be overdrawn; Another kind of credit card that can be overdrawn within the limit should be called quasi-credit card. I wonder what kind of
credit card you mean.
how to write the English name of the credit card
The English name of the credit card is: credit
English [_kredit
America [_ kr _ d _ t
k ɑ rd]
[ example] you
You can pay by credit card.
English words for credit cards
Hello, English words for credit cards: creditcard
If you are interested in credit cards, the basic functions of credit cards are basically the same, for example, you can spend first and then repay; Use the cash advance function; Select the lowest repayment business; Online shopping; Shopping in installments and so on. If you have no special requirements for credit card spending, you can apply for any one.
If you need to know more, you can click this link
to learn more about China Merchants Bank Credit Card.
At present, among all the credit cards of China Merchants Bank, the YOUNG Card Youth Edition is the best one to apply for, because it was launched in 21, and it is relatively easy to approve for social fresh people who have graduated from university and are under 3 years old. It is suggested that if you apply for your first credit card in China Merchants Bank, you can give priority to the YOUNG Youth Edition. In addition, China Merchants Bank doesn't limit the number of cards under the same account name, all of which are entitled to * * *. After the YOUNG Youth Edition is approved, with the increase of their own needs-going out for travel or dining, buying a car needs to be "easy to buy a car", playing games needs to be redeemed for Warcraft cards, etc.-you can do other China Merchants Bank credit cards. Generally, you can apply for the "two cards" of China Merchants Bank if you already have a card (except platinum cards and unlimited cards, which are mainly invited by banks).
How to say credit card in English
The credit card we handle in the bank has its English translation or abbreviation on it. The following is how to say credit card English for your reference!
how to say credit card in English
English [_kreditkɑ:d] America [_kr_d_tkɑrd]
English example of credit card
1. Make a note of the credit card and check the expiration date.
2. using credit card topayforanordersissilicityitself.
it's very simple to pay the order by credit card.
3. YouareprotectedinstantlyifathiefMisusesyourcreditcard.
If a thief steals your credit card, your card will be protected immediately.
4. Using Plastic TopayForAnordersissiplicity Itself.
It's very simple to pay the order by credit card.
5. TSB's SmonlyCredit Card RateisnowickeDFrom 1.95% to 2.5%.
The monthly interest rate of TSB Bank's credit card has now increased from 1.95% to 2.5%.
6. They can use credit cards for convenience.
7. punch your credit card number into the keyboard.
enter your credit on the keypad.
You can pay by credit card.
9. chipandpinisdesigned to combatcreditcard fraud.
The smart card system is specially designed to prevent credit cards.
1. it's very convenient to pay by credit card.
11. all major credit cards are accepted in our hotel.
our hotel accepts all major credit cards.
12. creditcardseliminanethenettocarryalotofcash.
with a credit card, you don't need to carry a lot of cash.
13. She was charged with credit card fraud.
She was accused of cheating.
14. UnlesspayingBycreditcard, PleasePayincash.
If you don't pay by credit card, please pay in cash.
15. The creditcardisthenaccepted, subjecttoferification of heisignature.
The credit card was subsequently accepted. But check the signature.
Bilingual example of bank card
1. HolidayMaker ShouldBeware of Using Plastic Card in Foreign Cash Providers.
When you go out on vacation, you must be careful when using bank cards at ATMs.
2. Here's your passbook and your passbook.
Here are your passbook and bank card.
3. Bringthesepasscard with youeverytime you come to the depository with drawmoney.
Please take this bank card with you every time you come to the bank to withdraw money or deposit money.
4. Questioning:Iprovideanticipatesthebankcardinformationtobewhethersafe?
q: is the personal materials and bank card information I provided safe?