In addition, regarding the interest on expenses, here is a rough calculation for the landlord, and there is no way to be accurate. According to the arrears of 5,000 yuan and the daily interest of the credit card, the landlord is overdue for 180 days, which is 9%( 180 * 0.05%), and the interest = 5,000 * 9% = 450 yuan.
At the same time, if you don't pay back the money, the bank will also have a late fee, which is 5% of the unpaid part of the minimum repayment amount. At least in 5 yuan, the landlord owes 5,000 yuan. According to the minimum repayment amount, 500 yuan, late payment fee =500*5%=25 yuan, and half-year late payment fee =25*6= 150 yuan.
This is a relatively high sum, but it is only a rough calculation for the landlord, and the specific suggestion is to call the bank's service hotline for confirmation.