If you are not sure whether you have the ability to pay off your credit card debt, you will definitely not apply for a credit card. Besides, when applying for a credit card, you need to provide documentary evidence, which can only be approved after approval. It is impossible to apply for a credit card knowing that the other party has no ability to repay. To apply for a credit card, you should have at least a stable job or a fixed asset. So, is it better to cancel the account or cancel the unused credit card?
1. What is card cancellation?
Cancellation of card, in simple terms, means to cancel the credit card and terminate the credit card. All usage rights, and the canceled credit card can no longer be used.
2. What is account cancellation?
Account cancellation means canceling a personal account. Different from canceling a card, not only the credit card can no longer be used after the account is canceled, but also the bank cannot Will there be any information from the customer again.
3. Which is better, canceling the card or canceling the account?
For useless credit cards, there is no doubt that canceling the account is a better choice. Because card cancellation only terminates the use authority of the credit card. After the card is canceled, the magnetic stripe information of the credit card is still there. Criminals can use the magnetic stripe information to continue using the credit card. In other words, even if your credit card is canceled, the risk of fraud is still there. exist.
Closing the account is different. After applying for account cancellation, the bank will know all your information, so the credit card will be completely invalid. Even if the credit card is obtained by criminals, it is just a card. Nothing works.
IV. What matters should be paid attention to when canceling a credit card and canceling an account?
1. After canceling the card, you must confirm with the bank whether the cancellation is successful
When canceling a credit card, you must first Apply to the bank. After applying for card cancellation, the bank's approval time is relatively long. Generally speaking, the entire card cancellation process takes about 45 days, so you must confirm with the bank 45 days after applying for card cancellation whether the cancellation is successful.
2. It is best to unbind the credit card before canceling the account
I believe that many people’s credit cards are bound to third-party payment. It is best to unbind the credit card before applying for account cancellation or canceling the card. Binding, because if there are any deposits or withdrawals on the credit card within 45 days of canceling the card, the card will be automatically reactivated and the account cannot be successfully cancelled.
Warm reminder, it’s not about having too many credit cards, just enough. Unused credit cards must be dealt with in a timely manner to nip them in the bud. In addition, you need to think carefully about whether to cancel the card or the account. However, it is best to choose to cancel the account, so as to avoid unnecessary losses.