Do you know that credit cards will expire, which means that the validity period of credit cards is coming? Then some people are curious, can the credit card be used after it has expired?
can I continue to use my credit card after its expiration date?
I can't continue to use my credit card after its expiration date. The bank will contact the cardholder before the credit card expires, and decide whether to continue using the credit card according to the cardholder's decision. If it continues to be used, the bank will send a new card to the cardholder. After receiving the credit card, the cardholder will activate it, and the information of the old card will be transferred to the new card. If the cardholder does not continue to use the card, he should pay off the arrears of the old card, apply to the bank one month before the card expires, and destroy the unused credit card.
Precautions for credit card expiration
1. Pay attention to updating contact information in time
If your mobile phone number is changed, be sure to update your contact number in the bank's APP. If you move or change your work unit, be sure to modify your work unit and home address in the bank's APP.
If the bank can't contact the cardholder, it can only mail the credit card to the home address filled in when applying for a credit card. Old Hou suffered a great loss. Because his work unit moved to another place and forgot to modify his home address, his credit card was mailed to his original city.
2. If the credit card is not used after it expires, the bank will generally send the cardholder a reminder of the expiration of the credit card three to five months in advance. If he is not going to use this credit card after it expires, he needs to inform the bank in advance, and the bank will not take the initiative to mail a new credit card.
So if your credit card is about to expire, you need to continue to use it, just wait for the bank to mail a new card. If you don't plan to use it, you have to tell the bank in advance.