The popularity of credit cards has made many young people gradually become dependent on this way of advanced consumption. Although this consumption method itself is not a big problem, as long as you remember to repay on time, it is indeed a very convenient shortcut for consumers. But many times, the problem lies in the non-payment, which will affect the personal credit report, making it inconvenient for later loans, buying cars, buying houses and other things. Therefore, you still need to pay more attention to the use of credit cards.
I applied for the first credit card in my life when I was applying for a student loan in college. I thought it was a big deal at the time, after all, most of my classmates at that time only had debit cards. However, the limit of this credit card has remained stable at 500 yuan for five years. Although it has since increased to 2,000 yuan, it is indeed of little use to me. One thing to remind everyone here is that if you don’t use it for a long time, it is best to cancel it, otherwise it will affect your credit limit.
After graduating from college, I applied for the Bank of Communications Youth Card. In 2011, the limit reached 19,000 yuan. It was also a VISA dual-currency card. When spending foreign currencies abroad, it was not allowed. A handling fee is required. So this is probably one of my favorite cards. After using it for about a year, my limit has reached nearly 50,000, and there are various activities every month. Over the years of using the card, I have been on top of it. The wool collected is really not that small.
The third one is a light card, which was also applied for in 2011. It is of little use and the limit is only 1,000, so it is of no use.
Later, due to the cooperation between the company and Xiamen Airlines, I received a CITIC co-branded gold card. Unfortunately, I rarely had the opportunity to fly, so I didn’t have any points. It can be said to be sad. It is also recommended that friends who do not fly often do not apply for an airline co-branded card. After all, it is not cost-effective if you fly rarely.
Then when I took out a loan to buy a house in 2014, I applied for a platinum card from Hua Xia Bank. Although it was a dual-currency card like the Bank of Communications at that time, every overseas purchase on this card cost 1 % handling fee, it pisses me off!
As for the sixth card, it is a card from China Merchants Bank. I still feel very good about this card. Various points benefits and merchant activities, as well as annual physical examination quota, airport transfer and other services, all make me very happy.
Next is the GF Ctrip card. At that time, I heard that GF’s card is easy to increase the credit limit, and it turned out to be true. From the initial quota of 20,000, the quota was raised twice in less than a year, until the quota reached 56,000. Except for the annual card fee of 800, which is a little annoying, I still like other services such as airport pick-up.
Last June I applied for a simple platinum card from Shanghai Pudong Development Bank, but I didn’t use it much and it just sat idle in my wallet. Then the customer service called me and I complained about the high annual fee, low limit and lack of good benefits. As a result, the customer service directly waived the annual fee for me, so it was a bit of a surprise.
The last one is Ping An Bank’s standard JCB gold card. Although the limit is not low, it was 30,000 when I first applied for it and is currently 55,000, but I haven’t used it much. Later, in view of its annual fee of 800 yuan and the rigid requirement of paying 200,000 yuan every year, I decided to cancel it. However, the most frustrating thing is that the customer service canceled my card without reminding me that I still had a balance to pay off. If I hadn't reacted and proactively contacted the bank later, this would have affected my credit report. So now I still hate their customer service!
The above are some of the credit cards I have applied for over the years. Which cards have you applied for? Do you have any recommendations?