There are many reasons why the bank card application is not passed, such as the repayment ability is not stable enough; Non-target customers of the Bank's credit card business; Personal credit has a bad record; There are too many credit cards and the comprehensive credit line is too high; There are no local outlets and so on.
Different banks have different auditing standards, and different banks may have different results for the same information. After receiving the application form, the credit card department will comprehensively score the information of the applicant, with special scoring criteria, including age, gender, unit, income, position, housing, education, marriage, real estate, professional title, credit record, etc. A score segment corresponds to a result, from not approving cards to approving cards, from low to high. It may be because the attached information can't fully explain your personal situation, so you didn't pass the original application, so you should pay attention when you apply again.