In addition, if you already have many credit cards, you may be refused to apply for a new credit card, because the bank may think that you have too many credit cards and there are certain risks.
If your credit card number and credit status are normal, you can continue to apply for a credit card. It should be noted that some banks can also handle cards with cards, such as Bank of Communications, Bank of China, Shanghai Pudong Development Bank and Ping An Bank. If you want to apply for the credit cards of these four banks, you can use the cards to handle the card business. Generally speaking, the cardholder can take the original credit card as proof of financial resources and show the original ID card, so that you can apply for another credit card in another bank on the basis of the original cardholder's card. For some banks, if they want to handle the card business, they may also be required to submit a copy of your ID card, a copy of your credit card, proof of financial resources and other related information.