Be sure to calm down after the bank card is stolen. Call the police first. This step is to record that our bank card has been stolen and swiped, which plays the role of self-certification, and then provide the police with the key information of the stolen bank card. The more detailed the information, the better the identification of trading places. If you are lucky, you may be able to investigate and monitor the location at the first time, and you may get the money back soon.
Call the bank that opened the account and cancel or report the loss of your bank card as soon as possible. If only part of the money in the card is withdrawn, then when the account is frozen, criminals can only worry about the bank card and try their best to minimize the loss.
Pay attention to bank card theft
Criminals can use high-tech means to obtain passwords without touching bank cards and themselves. If all the money in the card has been stolen, you can sue the bank in court.
In addition, it should be noted that if there is enough evidence, the user can ask the bank to compensate for all personal losses, because your card and password have not been leaked, and the bank can bear the responsibility and further avoid its own losses.