Using a credit card to pay back the debt for a long time without overdue will affect your credit score. You are using a credit card. You can use the money the next month to pay off the debt of the previous month. Make sure you pay it off before the due date. Last month's arrears. This will not affect your credit record due to overdue credit, but if the credit card usage limit is high, the bank will consider the need for funds to be urgent.
Too many credit cards. The total credit limit of a cardholder is basically stable. Each time you apply for a credit card, it is equivalent to using part of the total credit limit. If you apply for too many cards, it will be more difficult to apply for a new card. Even if you can apply for it, the limit will be reduced. relatively low.
Extended information:
Credit stains: In addition to the most common credit card overdrafts and late repayments of personal mortgage loans, some behaviors such as failure to pay on time and guarantees may be included. Personal credit report.
The report shows that if you have ever had tax arrears, civil judgments, enforcement, administrative penalties, or telecommunications arrears, etc., the report may be displayed. This means that in the future, if you are in arrears with water, electricity, gas or landline bills, or if you provide a guarantee for a third party, and the third party fails to repay the loan on time, it will also be included in the bad credit record.