There must be something wrong with this. It is impossible for a bank to give you a credit card with just an ID number. This kind of person who charges a fee for applying for a credit card is called an intermediary. There are two types of intermediaries. One is that they collect money or take your personal information and disappear, which is relatively rare. The other is that they can actually help you apply for a credit card after receiving money. They usually take your information. Under packaging, this material fee is the cost of those who fake information, but the points they charge after placing the card will also be quite high. Even for the second type, they at least need a copy of your ID card. It is generally impossible to apply for the card with just one ID number. It is illegal to apply for a credit card on your behalf. In a serious case, it is fraud. It is not recommended. If you need funds, it is recommended to go to the bank to apply for a credit card or bank loan. Giving others high points in exchange for short-term capital turnover is tantamount to drinking poison to quench thirst. Purely hand-made, hope you can adopt it.