As more and more credit cards are applied for, there are naturally many overdue credit cards. Many people have credit reports because of overdue credit cards. So what is the impact of credit reports on credit cards?
< p>What is the impact of a credit report on a credit card?After a credit card is overdue and a credit report is submitted, it will cause credit stains on the personal credit report, which will affect future applications for credit cards, loans and other businesses. When banks review the applicant's qualifications, it is very difficult to May be rejected due to bad credit. In addition, if the overdue period is particularly long and the bank sues the cardholder in court, the cardholder may also be included in the national list of dishonest persons for execution, which may affect daily life, such as not being able to make high purchases or take the high-speed train. Or airplane, etc.
The credit score on a credit card has a huge impact. Once a personal credit score is affected, if you want to apply for a mortgage loan, etc., the bank may generally reject the review. Moreover, personal credit records will be automatically deleted only if there are no bad records within five years, so you must repay your loan on time and maintain a good personal credit record.