Hello, this card friend, many people have a feeling that credit cards will not charge an annual fee as long as they don't open cards, but in fact this is not the case. Generally speaking, if your credit card is not activated, it will not adversely affect your personal credit record, and there will be no annual fee. Most credit cards do not charge an annual fee if they are not activated, but there are also a few credit cards with special functions and advanced credit cards, which still charge an annual fee if they are not activated. If your credit card belongs to this small number of credit cards, even if you have never opened this credit card, the bank will charge you an annual fee, interest and late fees, which will affect your personal credit history. With a bad record, it is difficult to apply for mortgage and car loan in the future.
So, if you don't intend to use this credit card, you can directly call the customer service hotline to cancel it. There is no charge for cancellation, and it can be cancelled in various ways.
1: online banking can be cancelled;
2: You can call the customer service hotline to cancel;
3: You can cancel at the counter of the business hall.
Special note: If your credit card has been charged, then your credit card cannot be cancelled. You must pay off what you owe before dealing with it.