if you buy software to use your credit card by steam, please confirm the card type (Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discovery), name, and the order in which the last four digits of the card are used (year).
if you purchased the software to steam through paypal, please provIDe the payment information (name and address) of the paypal account holder and the paypal invoice id. The invoice ID will be 16 digits long and can only be composed of numbers. It may be listed in the order description number.
if you bought the retail location when you registered the software, please write your support ticket number directly on the quick reference card or sticker and press the CD key (the number should not be written on a separate piece of paper and an image editor or insert), and report it as a digital photo or scanned CD key. JPG format. Please make sure that you submit a full-color image, not a copy.