Even if the overall score is insufficient, the possibility of applying for a credit card still exists. However, applicants need to carefully understand their credit history. You can check your credit report to understand your overdue records and their impact on your credit score.
Overdue online loans will have a negative impact on credit scores, but applicants can negotiate with online loan platforms to prioritize repayment of online loans that have less impact on credit scores and have formal credit reports. At the same time, applicants can appropriately increase their credit limit and increase their credit card usage to improve their credit score.
To sum up, the possibility of applying for a credit card still exists, but applicants need to carefully assess their credit risk. If your credit score is not high, you can consider improving your credit score through consumer finance and other channels.
Applicants are advised to consider carefully. If the credit score is too low, the application may be unsuccessful or rejected, further exacerbating the bad credit cycle.
If online loans are overdue and have been collected, you can obtain a big data report from "Xiaoqixincha" to find out your overdue records and classify your online loans into formal and Irregular ones, those who are on credit bureau and those who are not. If you want to repay the money but don't have enough funds, then negotiate with the online loan platform to give priority to repaying those with regular credit reports to reduce the impact on you.