2. Banks can also use credit loans. Generally, the repayment is equal, the interest is higher and the interest on your credit card is lower. Such a credit loan can only bring money back to your credit card and only increase interest expenses. Apply for a credit card to repay your credit card installment,
Bank loans are subject to strict risk review and control, which usually depends on two factors:
First, the ability and risk of loan application;
The second is the purpose of the loan.
Personal loan refers to a form of credit activity in which the lender issues monetary funds to natural persons with full civil capacity for consumption, business or other needs. Can I get a loan from the bank? How much can I borrow? Some people think it is the relationship with the bank. In fact, the fundamental factor is the borrower's repayment ability. There are several kinds of personal loans: one is credit loans; One is secured loan; The other is mortgage loan. Credit loan depends entirely on the individual's repayment ability, for example, wage income is twice the repayment amount; In addition to personal income repayment ability, secured loans also depend on the guarantor's guarantee ability; Mortgage is to consider the value of collateral in addition to personal repayment ability.
: bank card overdue practice
1. If the cardholder forgets to repay the loan and finds it overdue, he must repay it as soon as possible, preferably in full, and call the bank credit card center to declare the non-malicious debt. If the overdue time is short, banks can ignore bad records;
2. If the credit card fails to repay due to unemployment, illness and other reasons, before the repayment period, the cardholder should take the initiative to contact the bank credit card center to explain its economic situation, declare that it is not a malicious debt, and apply for deferred repayment or installment repayment;
3. When the cardholder voluntarily applies for deferred repayment, the bank usually agrees to postpone the repayment, and the bank and the cardholder reach an agreement on a repayment plan acceptable to both parties, so that the bank will not record bad records, but must repay the loan on time after applying for an extension;
4. Credit card repayment information The central bank's credit information system rolls for 24 months, and the credit card overdue repayment record is kept in the credit information system for two years. If you find that the card is cancelled directly after it expires, the information will not scroll, but will be saved for a long time. Therefore, it is best not to cancel the credit card immediately after the cardholder expires. It is best to stick to it for more than 2 years, and then maintain a good credit record.