If it is a loan from Ping An Bank, there is no grace period for our loan. It is recommended that you deposit sufficient funds into the loan repayment account before the repayment date, and pay attention to whether the full amount of the loan is successfully deducted. If the full amount is not deducted successfully on the payment date, an overdue record will be generated.
To repay the virtual account, you need to use your own bank card or Ping An Bank card to transfer to the virtual account.
Warm reminder:
Ping An Bank loans determine the monthly repayment date according to the loan contract signed by each customer, and the amount is deposited for loan repayment one day before the repayment date every month. account to ensure that the full amount can be successfully debited on the repayment date. If the full amount is not deducted successfully on the repayment date, an overdue record will be generated. Please deposit enough funds into your loan repayment account one day in advance to ensure that the full amount can be successfully deducted on the repayment date.
Response time: 2021-11-26. For the latest business changes, please refer to the official website of Ping An Bank.