Second, the bank will send you a leaflet more than two months after the credit card, saying how much money you have now. At this time, you should try your best to repay. Credit problems will have an impact, but after a period of time, if you have a good repayment record, it will not be a big problem, except for increasing the credit limit.
Third, after the third month of the credit card, the bank will say that you have influenced the financial regulations and contract specifications. At this time, you must return it. At this time, you will be more serious, but as long as you pay back the money within three months, you will not be prosecuted.
Fourth, you will receive an indictment from the bank and a leaflet from the court in the fifth month. At this time, the bank you owe will send your credit record to the State Bureau of Credit Supervision. This time is very troublesome, and in most cases you will lose. At this time, all the expenses of the bank will be borne by you. Besides, it's hard for you to associate with the gold barrier in the future.
However, according to the recent records of the Credit Bureau, the credit records of China citizens will be changed every seven years. Anyway, in a word, you must pay back the money you owe the bank.